Our Gutsi® Story

We Kiwis are a gutsy bunch. Never was this more true than through the genesis of Gutsi®, a small New Zealand family-owned brand taking on the world of gut health and – we think – winning.  Always big believers in the foundational role that gut health plays in overall wellbeing, we were in equal measure fascinated by the ever-expanding body of research on the microbiome and frustrated by the lack of scientific rigour being brought to formulations within the consumer gut-health category. Gutsi® was built from the ground-up on the strength of a well-forged relationship with world-renowned microbiologist and researcher Kiran Krishnan. Having previously partnered to bring Kiran’s practitioner-only range to Australasia, we approached him again with the bold ambition of developing a consumer range of research-led, practitioner-inspired gut formulations that would be accessible to everyone. Lucky for us, the answer was ‘yes!’ and Gutsi® was born.

We did our research and discovered a gap in the New Zealand market for a gut health brand rooted in practitioner-grade standards, while being easily accessible to all Kiwis. So, we consulted world-renowned research Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan, and the result is Gutsi®  – an advanced range of gut health supplements for everyone.

Amal Karl, CEO

We believe that a happy microbiome is the key to your health. Hippocrates postulated that “all disease starts in the gut” nearly 2,500 years ago. Now, more than ever, we know about the gut-brain connection and the power that microbial diversity can have in virtually every body system. The future of gut health is exciting and it’s here.

Our passion for the role of functional medicine in improving digestive health drives us to offer nature-inspired, science-backed formulas that work. Through education and easy-to-digest, evidence-based support, it’s our mission to empower you to be your most healthy self. Trust your gut when it comes to your body and health.

Be Gutsi®.

Meet Gutsi®’s formulator

Kiran Krishnan

Gutsi® formulator Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 20 years. More recently, Kiran is the General Manager of Novozymes One Health America, and Co-Founder/Chief Scientific Officer at Microbiome Labs, a leader in microbiome and probiotic research. He is a frequent lecturer and expert guest on the Human Microbiome at Medical and Nutrition Conferences. He is currently involved in over 18 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human microbiome, has published clinical trials in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has several global patents in his name.


& trusted

Whole body

100% pure
& natural

100% NZ

Our Team

We exist to help you achieve incredible health.
Amal has dedicated his life to the pursuit of self-improvement and making best-in-class health products available in New Zealand and Australia. His mission is to support the natural healthcare industry with integrity, actively support community outreach programs, and build a culture that celebrates creativity and the potential of every individual.
Amal Karl
Neha is the heart + soul behind the Gutsi® brand. She has a passion for details, strives for excellence, and leads by example. Her team loves her. Neha’s goal is to offer a one-of-a-kind customer experience with cutting-edge products, world-class education, and naturopathic support. Gutsi® is her first ‘baby’, and Aadi came shortly after. We can’t decide who is cutest (just kidding, it’s Aadi).
Neha Stokes
General Manager
Jessica has a passion for helping people achieve amazing health. Our head Naturopath and resident gut health expert geeks out over science and spores. A lover of puns, she likes getting people excited about the infinite potential of the microbiome and is not ashamed about having a Bristol Stool chart on her bathroom door.
Jessica Sanders
Technical Manager & Naturopath
Our pixel queen Kauri handles all things creative. She enjoys all aspects of visual communication, excelling in graphic design and illustration. In addition to being a children’s book illustrator, she’s also co-owner of The Ori Project which was created with a desire to revive traditional Japanese arts and honour her heritage.
Kauri Finlay
Creative Manager
A wordsmith by heart, Kelly’s interest in natural health was kindled in childhood. After forging a successful career in copywriting, she switched gears to follow her passion in naturopathy. Our customers love Kelly’s kind and caring nature, problem solving prowess, and guidance on what products are best for their health.
Kelly McGillivray
Content Specialist & Naturopath
Marketing strategies are Alla’s jam. A wizard in the marketing world, her enthusiasm is boundless. She uses her skills in understanding consumer behaviour, marketing trends, and marketing strategies to turn problems into solutions. She loves building brands. Originally from Ukraine, Alla is an amazing photographer, incredible cook, and busy mum.
Alla Bohdan
Marketing Manager
Our digital marketing expert, Ash has a passion for digital technologies and digital marketing channels. A numbers whizz, she measures ROIs and KPIs and is behind the building, planning and implementation of our overall digital marketing strategy. A dynamic and creative idea-maker, she also oversees our affiliate and influencer relationships.
Ash Saxena
Digital Marketing Executive
Master of all things IT, if it’s broken Mitch can fix it. If it’s not IT related, Mitch can probably fix that, too. Keeping our website running smoothly and ensuring we have plenty of stock is his #1 goal. Fun fact: Mitch came up with the name “Gutsi” for our company.
Mitch Stokes
Commercial Manager
Our tiniest team member is powered by spores! Aadi has the best skin and the most perfect poops out of all of us. He loves coming into the office with Mum Neha and Dad Mitch, and we love his management style – kisses, cuddles, playing, having fun, lots of snacks, and power naps.
Aadi Stokes
Tiny Supervisor

The future of gut health is here